Sue Ramsey’s Mission Story

Like many of you, my first thought when I hear the term ‘Alzheimer’s’ is of my parents. My Dad was 66 years old when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, my Mom (his primary caregiver) was 63. I was in my late 30’s when, two years after his diagnosis, I realized that he no longer knew who I was. It was devastating.

My Dad’s disease progressed quickly and within three years, it became too difficult for my Mom to care for him in their home. There were so many emotions that came with that, guilt that I didn’t live closer to help, helplessness and an underlying anger.

We quickly realized that Dad’s emotions would mirror ours when we would visit so we were determined to make them happy times. My Dad had always had a great sense of humor and joking around with him was common during our visits, especially with my school-aged children. Getting a smile out of him was always a successful visit.

I volunteer with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in hopes that there will be a day when families will no longer be affected by this devastating disease. I would love to help you find a way to help with this effort. How do you see yourself helping?

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